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Blood transfusion| free 15 MCQ online test on BT.

Blood transfusion:-

Blood transfusion| free 15 MCQ online test on BT.

Hi welcome in online nursing academy official.

In this quiz, we are going to ask you more than 15+ questions on Blood transfusion.

First, you want to know all about blood transfusion procedure and its complications, and much more

Definition:- Blood transfusion is a process of administration of whole blood or its components like RBC, WBC etc. Through IV from one person to another person is called a blood transfusion.

Important key points:-
1) storage time out of Blood bank is 30 min.
( If it kept out for more than 30 min from its proper temperature. Then blood can not reissue.)

2) Canulla used 18-19 guage.

3) Age - More than Equal to 17 or 16

4) Storage temperature is 1°-6°c

5) Delay BT if patient temperature 101.8°f or 38°c.

6) We should stay for 15 min after BT start.

  To read more:- CLICK HERE

Q.1) Which size of guage use in blood transfusion procedure?

a) 15-17

b) 10-18

c) 18-19

d) 10-20

Correct Answer:- C

Q.2) Age requirement for Blood donation is...?

A)  more 10 - 15 years

B) More than  12 - 17 years

C) More than  17 - 16  years

D) None

Correct Answer:- C

Q.3) Weight of donors is about?

A) 20 kg 

B) 30 kg 

C) 40 kg 

D) 50 kg 

Correct Answer:- D

Q.4) Hb level of a male donor? 

A) 10.4 g/dl

B) 12.5 g/dl

C) 13.5 g/dl

D) 12.4 g/dl

Correct Answer:- C

Q.5) Hb level of a female donor?

A) 12.4 g/dl

B) 13.5 g/dl

C) 10.4 g/dl

D) 10  g/dl

Correct Answer:- B

Q.6) All of the following indications of Blood transfusion except one?

A) Injury

B) Anaemia

C) Haemoptysis

D) Iron overload

Correct Answer:- D

Q.7) In blood transfusion stored at temperature.....?

A) 10°c

B) 12°c

C) 19°c

D) 6°c

Correct Answer:- D

Q.8) How many days blood can store in blood bank?

A) 50 days

B) 2 month

C) 35 days

D) 15 days

Correct Answer:- B

Q.9) Transportation time for BT?

A) 30 minutes

B) 1 Hour

C) 15 minutes

D)  20 minutes

Correct Answer:- A

Q.10)  When we want to return the blood bag to the Blood bank?

A) If blood bag ket in open in the ward for more than 30 min

B) If blood bag kept in open in the ward for more than 10 min

C) If blood bag ket in open in to  the ward  for more than 15 min

D) If blood bag ket in open in the  ward for more than 20 min

Correct Answer:- A

Q.11) BT complete in?

A)  2 hours

B) 3 hours

C) 4 hours

D) 6 hours

Correct Answer:- C

Q.12) What was your first action in allergy reaction occurs in patients after BT started.

A) Continue BT

B) Stop BT

C) Call physicians

D) Symptomatic treatment

Correct Answer:- B

Q.13) If patient have fever 101°f  what's your  nursing actions then?

A) Delay BT

B) Start BT

C) Information physicians

D) none

Correct Answer:- A

Q.14) Allergic reaction of BT occur in first?

A) 10-15 minutes

B) 30-40 minutes

C) 20-30 minutes

D) 1 Hour

Correct Answer:- A 

Q.15) Which investigation is important in blood transfusion?




D) X- match.

Correct Answer:- D

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Blood transfusion| free 15 MCQ online test on BT. Blood transfusion| free 15 MCQ online test on BT. Reviewed by Mr. Amit kherkar on May 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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