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Today we are going to learn about Blood transfusion in detail.
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In this Blood transfusion procedure, we are going to learn the following points.
1. Definition of BT2. Indication of blood transfusion
3. Procedure of BT
4. Role of nurse in Blood transfusion
5. Complications of
What is a Blood transfusion?
Blood transfusion is the process or procedures to administer the blood or its components from one person to another person.Why we do blood transfusion?
The main reason behind this is to secure the adequate fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. In some cases like trauma, any injury this causes loss of blood and that needs blood transfusion procedure.
Blood Transfusion is the process of administration of blood or its components like Rbc, WBC, platelet, etc... By IV route from one person to another person.
1. Anaemia
2. Blood loss through body
> Haematemesis (blood in vomit)
> Haemoptysis (blood in coughs)
> Antepartum or postpartum haemorrhage (bleeding from genital tract from 24 th week of pregnancy)
> OT or any surgery
> Due to any injury
> In burns cases
3.Increase wbc count in blood
4. To improve Immunity
• Role of a nurse during a blood transfusion
A) Before blood transfusion.
1. Preparation of articles
> Blood bottle (1)
> Iv blood transfusion set (1)
> Canulla (1)
> 2 cc- 5 cc syringe (2)
> 18- 19 G canulla
> Methylated
> Scissors
> Iv stand
> Kidney tray and paper beg (1)
> Mackintosh, towel.
2) Preparation of patient and environmental
> Take vital sign
> Explain procedure to patient
( Purpose of bt, time required, desired outcome etc,)
> Maintain proper lighting in room
> Use Mackintosh or towel at blood transfusion site
> Provide comfortable position.
B) During blood transfusion
1) selection of donor
> Choose donor without any infectious disease.
> Take vital sign donor.
> Age - greater than or equal to 17 or 16 years.
> Weight 49.9kg
>check Hb level of donor
Man Hb - 13.5 gm/dl ( not below this)
Female Hb - 12.4 gm/dl
> Before transfusion crossmatch should be done.
> History of disease
2) Collection of blood
> We should mixed anticoagulant (ACD)
> Explain the procedure of collection to a donor
> Storage temperature at 1°- 6°C
> Transportation time 30 minutes
> 35 days can store in blood bank
3) Procedure of BT
> First-hand ✋ wash
> Comfortable position
> Vital sings and record it.
( If temperature 101.8°c or 38°c then delay Bt)
> Set blood and BT set on the IV stand
> Fixed cannula in a vein
> Link with blood set to the cannula
> We should check vital sign for 15 minutes after start bt.
> Set blood quantity as directed by a doctor.
> Push saline water before going Bt start.
> After transfusion remove IV set and put cotton swab on site of the cannula. (Complete in 4 hrs)
C) After Blood Transfusion
> Type of blood
> Amount of blood
> Flow rate of blood
> Any reaction
> Acute haemolytic reaction
> Fever with chilling
> Headache
> Dyspnoea
> Cyanosis
> Chest pain
> Nausea vomiting
> Low B.P
> Shock
How to control infection during the procedure?
> Nurse should follow all universal precautions
> Nurse should use all aseptic technique
> Nurse should inform to doctor if any complication occurs.
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Blood transfusion |Definition, indication, etc.. details.
Reviewed by Mr. Amit kherkar
May 28, 2020
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